Build and deploy static website
To host website we have different ways and for this blog we are focussing on a use case where we need to have a website for blogging, and we are using:
- jekyll: static site generator, theme used is minimal mistakes
- github pages: static website hosting service
Following are required to be installed in order to build and test the static website locally. Installation instructions here
- ruby
- rubygems
- gcc
- make
Use template repo to get started, we are using minimal-mistakes theme of jeykell, feel free to use any other theme as per need. Download repo
Test if its working fine on local by executing below command and then browsing on localhost:4000
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
Note: config/post can be modified/added as required, follow docs
Configure pages and deploy to github
- create new repo and configure github settings to enable pages, follow here
- push code to the new created repo
- access githubpages url, if the repo created is
then url will behttps:\\
Enabling feature to add comments in the blogs
In order to enable comments feature we have different options and here we have used github issues where all the comments in the blog will be stored. To enable, follow here
Note: It will not show comments locally, it will only work once pushed to github on githubpages url.