hive features
hive server / thrift server
Its like bridge service, where code can be written in any language and executed remotely on hive using apache thrift server/service.
In hive context, we can write code in java to query on hive using thrift service.
msck repair
Assume we have hive external table, and partitions are added to the directory. In this case metadata in hive will not be updated automatically. We have to use msck
to update metadata.
- create external table
create external table v1(a int, b int) partitioned by (state char(2)) location '/data';
- create directory
hadoop fs -mkdir /data
- add couple of partitions data in directory
- check partitions, it will not show any partitions
show partitions v1;
- use below command to build metadata
msck repair table v1;
- check partitions again, it will show partitions added
show partitions v1;
no_drop feature
We can enable no drop feature so as it is protected by accidental drop command. Same way we can disable if required.
- enable no drop:
alter table v1 enable no_drop;
- test drop, it will error out:
drop table v1;
It can even be enabled on particular partition.
alter table v1 partition (country='DK') enable no_drop;
offline feature
We can enable offline feature so as table will be restricted to be queried.
alter table v1 enable offline;
skip rows
To skip n top rows, we have to create table with special tblproperties.
create table v2(a int, b int)
Note: same way we can skip footer property is skip.footer.line.count
immutable feature
If enabled then we cannot change data like append or modify, it only allows data to be loaded one time. However we can overwrite.
Property to enable: tblproperties("immutable"="true")
drop vs truncate vs purge
- for managed table data and metadata both are deleted
- for external table only metedata is deleted
truncate: all the data is deleted, metadata will not be deleted
- if set to true, data will be permanently deleted
- if set to false, data can be recovered
empty string
When value is missing in the column of dataset in a file, it is empty string ""
not NULL
There is table property tblproperties("serialization.null.format"="")
to convert any empty value to NULL
dfs command from hive
We can run below command from terminal to check files in hdfs.
hadoop fs -ls /user/username
If we are connected to hive then we can use dfs
command to check files.
dfs -ls /user/username;
executing linux command from hive
It can be executed by prefixing command with !
Example: !ls /home/user;
It is used to have variable in hive. Example:
set hivevar:var1=1;
select * from v1 where a=${var1};
print headers along with data
Use below to print header in output from hive.
set hive.cli.prnt.header=true;
cartesian product
Join all rows one table with all rows of other table.
select * from t1,t2;
plan of queries
To check plan of queries below can be used:
EXPLAIN select * from t1;
EXPLAIN EXTENDED select * from t1;